Keeping good control over your money is very difficult at present. it gets much more hectic when all of a sudden you loose your job & fell under uncertainty. you need to take some real steps to overcome this situation, & believe me ; you can do this all by yourself. First of all consider this situation as a new opportunity for your better future & try to develop your skills to face the new challenges. Below given tips will be helpful for you if you want to know how to manage your finances after you loose job.
1) Keep concentrate on your searching for better jobs, as much you search , your chances for getting a better job will be maximum. Use news paper job news, Internet , online job portals etc. Try out part time jobs to support your expenses until you get your desired one.As soon as you will get a new job, you financial condition will be better.
2) If you have given proper warning or notice before, try to save money from today. Make plans for your future & invest so that when you need the money, you will get it.
3) summarize your expanses before spending. chalk out the total cost you have to bear each month & calculate what amount you need to cover up costs.
4) pay those bills & expenses which are urgent. for example - your have to pay monthly rent every month but not your phone bill, so use this advantage & properly utilize your finance.
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