Tips on how to manage your finances

We need finances in every path of our life, in every single day. To earn your sufficient finance is not a piece of cake. We have to do a lot of hard work to earn money for our daily needs. So, it will be unwise if we do not value our finances & wasted it in different reasons. In this post we are going to know about some tips on how to manage your finances.

a) Make the calculation:

First of all calculate your total income in a month. You need to do this because it will help you to determine how much money you can spend in a month. You can also calculate the possible surplus you’re going to have monthly.

b) Evaluate your monthly expenditure:

You have to calculate all your possible expenses in a month. Whether it will be your credit card bills, your monthly payments against mortgage, insurance premiums, your daily traveling costs, your amusement or entertainment related costs, daily family expenses etc.

c) Cut off excessive payments:

Make your monthly budget & cut off excessive payments against your credit card. Always opt for discount programs & regularly check up your account balances to avoid overdraft charges.

To be continued