There is no confusion that anybody can easily understand the basics of auto insurance if they adhere to the basic simple rules of it. This is very important as getting a auto insurance is must if you drives your vehicle in the United States. Besides, knowing your insurance company as well as your policy is very important because if you don’t ask your auto insurance questions to your insurer, you won’t get the best deal & best protection against any hazardous situation. Today we will be discussing some auto insurance faq to know our auto insurance better.
At first we got in mind that:
1) Why do we need auto insurance?
There are numerous reasons behind it. The most important is we need protection & financial and legal cover against the possibilities if we got involved in an accident. Your purchased insurance can be most helpful for covering your costs or the expenses arising from the accident both for you & the victims of the accident.
2) What are the available major categories of protection we can get from auto insurance?
The major categories of protection given by an Auto insurance service are:
• Coverage of Property: covers the loss or damage to your vehicle regarding theft or accident.
• Coverage of Liability: Helps to Settles the bills of the injured persons & their property damage.
• Medical related coverage: Bears the cost of treatment, rehabilitation & other medical expenses regarding accident.
There are some other auto insurance questions which are been asked in recent, we will be discus it in next post.